Tomatoes need about 0.4 sq m (4 square feet) per plant, so you can plant them 60cm X 60cm (2ft X 2ft) or 46cm (18 inches) between in the row and 87cm (21/2 ft) between rows.
By the time conditions are suitable for planting, you may be able to see the first truss in bud or just opening. Your plants may need a small cane to support them if they start to flop over. It is very important to remove the first truss shoot early so that you get a strong first truss. This is a side-shoot that grows in the axil below the first truss. For details of how to remove side-shoots see our helpful video on YouTube: Twisting Tomatoes – (training and side-shooting tomatoes).
Make a hole with a trowel, and plant as deep as possible without burying any of the leaves, or covering the graft union (if your plants are grafted).